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Policemen Panic As They Get Quit Notice


Nearly 60 policemen and their families living in barracks belonging to the Lagos state railway police command have been given notice to quit the facility.
Jericho Barracks Insert: A copy of the eviction letter / Photo credit: Punch
According to Punch Metro, three police barracks attached to the railway police station, Iddo, have already been served the notice, while other barracks were due to get the notice later.
Fifty-four families staying in the five blocks have been served the notice.
It was gathered that the officers have been given a deadline of September 30 to take their families and leave.
The letter read in part: “From Supol Trackpol Iddo, to the occupants of Railway Police Barrack, Block A and B Botanical Gardens Barracks, Oyingbo, Compol Trackpol, Lagos Eb. You are hereby directed by this directive, given 60 days to vacate the room you are occupying. The effective date is from 31/07/2015 to 30/09/2015. You are warned to please comply.”

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